Sunday, February 8, 2009

What Are Golden Nuggets From God?

Have you ever been reading your Bible and suddenly the Word jumps off the page at you?

Have you ever noticed something in a verse that you have read a thousand times?

Have you ever been talking with God and you have that moment of awe when you hear God speak to your heart?

These are what I would call golden nuggets from God. It is when God gives you revelation knowledge and insight into a situation in your life through His written or spoken Word. These are precious treasures that God has dropped into your spirit so that you can grow and prosper.

I believe that God gives us revelation for ourselves but we are also supposed to share these golden nuggets with others. That's how we become a blessing to others. I normally share these insights on my website Overflow Living and my Blogging With Faith Friends blog. I invite you to visit my website and blog to see what I've been learning recently. If you do take a minute to visit, please be sure to leave me a comment to let me know what God has been teaching you.

Have a blessed day!

"I'm not blessed because I am healed and prosperous. I am healed and prosperous because God's blessing is working in me now!"